Review: Mandalay Strong Beer (Myanmar)

by Flying High On Points

Having already become intimately familiar with Myanmar Beer, we were itching to try another local Burmese brew.

We got that opportunity on our second day in Bagan at Weather Spoon’s Restaurant in Nyaung-U.

Review: Mandalay Strong Beer (Myanmar)

Luckily for us, Weather Spoon’s Restaurant had a large selection of local beers. The first beer we decided on was Mandalay Strong Beer.


Mandalay Strong Beer Description

As the name implies, this beer has a “strong” alcohol content of 6.5%. It pours in a nice and dark golden color with a mild white head.


Compared to Myanmar Beer, this brew was noticeably more “alcohol forward” and had a respectable, full-bodied composition. Although listed as an “English-style ale”, this beer seemed more like a lager with a complex flavor signature that was smooth with a hint of fruit (and a bit of a burnt note). The aftertaste was noticeably sweet, which was slightly jarring at first but became quite nice the more I drank.

The Bottom-Line Review: Mandalay Strong Beer (Myanmar)

Overall, this beer really reminded me of the Indian Kingfisher Strong Beer. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’d fail a blind taste-test on which beer is which. This beer was relatively hard to find for some reason. So if you run across it, make sure to try it.


The bottom-line? Behind Myanmar Beer, this was my second favorite beer in Myanmar.



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